Covid: Vietnam starts mass testing as new variant emerges

Publication Date: 
September 24, 2021

Covid: Vietnam starts mass testing as new variant emerges

With the emergence of the Delta variant, government officials have begun to mass test high-risk groups in Ho Chi Minh City to contain the spread that is believed to have been brought over by a Christian mission that has resulted in over 125 positive cases alone. Vietnam has registered just over 7,000 infections and 47 deaths (as of June 1st, 2020). The new policy plans to test up to 100,000 people daily and has closed shops and restaurants while suspending religious activities. Events have a hard limit of 10 attendants, with considerations to lower this threshold to only 5 people. These efforts are coupled with the preexisting policies that were implemented at the beginning of the pandemic, which Vietnam navigated relatively well (compared to the situation in other countries).

Thien-An Bui
External link: 



Your post is written in a kind of “timeless” a temporal way, but this topic of COVID infections and responses is a kind of moving target. What are some of the more enduring topics to draw out of this example? For example, how does a country balance vigilance and efforts to have an efficient response with personal rights of individuals? It seems to me that Vietnam has a very different response than the US? What do you make of these differences?

Hi Professor,

I built upon this argument in another Headline post after reading your comment. You can disregard this page, but I’d like to leave it up temporarily to refer back to the points you made here as I write my paper. Happy to delete this later on after writing the paper. Here is the revised edition:…
