More Backpedaling by Duterte

Duterte at the synagogue
Publication Date: 
October 6, 2016

More Backpedaling by Duterte

Recently, President Duterte of the Philippines made a comment comparing himself to Hitler. He has since apologized, slightly, and recently spoke to a Jewish community in Makati City. He maintains that he has killed over 3 million drug users, but said his ex-wife was Jewish and that he respects the Jewish people. Read more about Duterte's comments to the Jewish community in the Philippines here:

This article is from the Mindanao Times, which I have recently reviewed as being quite biased towards Duterte. I think this article is no exception, as it only offers the quotes from his most recent speech. It paints him as some honest and frank politician who doesn't need prepared remarks. It never draws on his original quote about Hitler and frames everything as if Duterte is some sort of misunderstood guy. The headlines, while not pointed in any way, also reflect the nature of the Mindanao Times. It's simply Duterte's quote about his ex-wife. Alternatively, it could've been "Duterte apologizes for Hitler compariosn" or something similar. I think it's interesting how the Mindanao Times frames the debate.

Jacob Malinowski